Welcome to BlissBE.ME
Hello Beautiful Soul, you have arrived here for a reason.
Step into the "Wonder + Super Powers of YOU".
This is your space to wonder and dream. A place to create calm, peace, joy and bliss. It is a safe haven to heal, learn and embody the tools that support you in creating your enriched life.
Your body keeps score + it almost cost me my life!
When I started my "ME" mission in 2004. My desire was to; learn, heal, and own my right to exist. And, answer the 2 most important questions;
Who am I? Why am I here?
Years of holistic research and study with the best faculty of teachers. Completion of degrees, diplomas and certifications with extended studies in South India, Auroville and the Matrimander, North India all the way to Bradrinath in the Himalayas, Mayan, Mexico, USA, and Canada.
I did it, and I did it well.
I am my true nature, my why is clear. I've made vows to teach what I have learnt, to experience embodiment, healing of the mind + energy body. To embody, empower, enrich life.
To co-create Blissful living.
Expand your awareness, heal your suffering, and prepare to achieve what you want to achieve and bliss too!
Unlike years of talk therapy, I did that, or experience the complications of layers of pharmaceuticals.
I have learnt...
"You don't need your story to HEAL"
"You don't need to know your trauma to HEAL"
Your body knows it all!
Your body speaks.
Your body is always working for your survival and balance. The difficulty is your mind doesn't know real from imagination (that includes TV, radio, music, etc.). It can be in constant survival mode for the child in YOU. Fight, flight, freeze, fawn, or collapse are nervous system responses to your survival.
With the BlissBE.METHOD we bring the body into a safe environment to allow the body to heal what the body is ready to heal. I am a Certified Advanced Integrative Energy Healing Practitioner - whole-person healing, whole- brain state, trauma informed somatic healing at the conscious, unconscious + cellular level. Awareness dialogue opens the portal of communication and together we create the space to heal, repattern the fields for the change you seek. Together we develop self care-strategies to support the holding of your new state of being that will optimize, empower, and enrich your state of being. Integrating 6 other modalities as needed. It is your one-stop healing shop, with VIP women centered coaching available too.
Client's say; This METHOD is "The Real Deal", "The Marriage Saver", "The Secret Sauce", "The Rocket Launcher".
Calm your mind, experience peace. Amplify your energy and accelerate your personal + business potential.
Feel the joy, and bliss too!
Live more consciously + ascend your frequency in the RIGHT direction.
Your energy body is always emitting your frequency and attracts (manifests) to it the match. (Good or not so good). When your energy body is out of alignment so to may your thoughts, words and actions.
What is your frequency attracting?
Take a look around you externally + internally. What do you see, hear, feel, notice. Are you happy, frustrated by things, angry, constantly disgruntled, yelling at your kids, talking poorly about others. BINGO!
It is time to take steps to allow your body to heal the WHY of the suffering. Interestingly, when the pain is healed... the happy comes back as you step into your true nature. As you expand into deeper knowing, your purpose arrives.... it is like the clouds part, tears may follow, a cleansing and at last a smile in your heart arrives. Peace and calm arrives, you feel like you have come home to YOU. Because you have. Welcome home.
Don't wait until one day the pain becomes unbearable. Or the relationship with self and others non-repairable.
Decide now to put YOU first.
Say yes to what brings you into balance. Say YES to healing YOU. It is your birthright.
Launch your Rockets of Desire!
Experience your true nature, your inner authenticity, connect to your inner and other intelligence and purpose. Experience the bliss of beautiful YOU.
What is the cost of doing nothing? I have been there and I want you to figure it out well before I did.
Everything is a product of our energy. Our family is an energy field and the biggest field has the power to change the environment for all. Be the field of peace, love, joy, and bliss .
Let's get to work... but it is not work, it's way better. It's a lifestyle that is nourishing, powerful, transformational, fun and celebratory!
Make a commitment to YOU. The cost to your body, mind, and soul is too great.
Life is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real deal. And it's your year to SOAR!
What do you want in your life?

Soar 2024 World Tour SIGN UP - BE the FIRST to to KNOW.
Blog/Vlog tour posts. LIVE TALKS, NEW Beta Women's Group Coaching Launch for extraordinary results.
Welcome to the BlissBE.METHOD
Integrating evidence based, science proven, transformative healing processes and
women's centered coaching and mentorship for extraordinary results.
BlissBE.METHOD - Mind + Energetic Body
Debra O'Neill - Certified Advanced Integrative Energy Healing Practitioner guides you to experience how to be present in your body. Learn how to navigate, support, nourish and appreciate with understanding your own energy systems.
The treatment balances your body's energy systems and supports traumatic experience resolution of known and unknown trauma and then re-patterning of your biofield (human energy field - HEF) to support a holding pattern and a return to balanced health.
Identify and transmute thought patterns that are limiting your potential. Release blockages that deplete your mind + energy. Customize holding patterns with a self-care plan to optimize your whole-brained state and whole-person well-being.
Physical, Emotional, Mental, Relational, Spiritual.
1:1 Remote Treatments + Sessions
There is no need to have a major problem or chronic illness to benefit from this work. There is value simply with the experience of relaxation and balance of your energy systems. Access your somatic body and open to a communication within your internal intelligence + higher intelligence. Whether you are seeking; truth, transmission + transformation, proactive health + relaxation, this experience is one to be experienced for strengthening + optimizing your energy, and ascending your personal + business potential.
On-Line Booking
Remote On-Line Sessions. Not sure where to start? Book a 2 hour AIEH - Advanced Integrative Energy Healing treatment.
Customize your healing day and book up to a maximum of 3.5 hours for one session. You can extend your sessions to include a combination of modalities. The extended duration is booked under the AIEH treatment.
Transformational Healing Packages
6, 9 or 13 Treatments + Sessions
Book a Free Discovery Call (bottom of website) or Email [email protected]
Book here to view the full list of services + events or book specific services below.
All Services + Events BOOK HERE
AIEH -Advanced Integrative Energy Healing
2hr - 3.5hrs AIEH Treatments
Through awareness dialogue + somatic felt sense, the treatments facilitate an effective way to discharge trauma, balance + re-pattern your nervous system.
The treatments nourish + balance your body's energy systems; clearing, dissolving + removing blockages.
Uses + Benefits:
- Self awareness
- Improved mobility
- Self Empowerment
- Improved quality of sleep
- Improved mood + clarity
- Anxiety + stress reduction
- Relaxation of muscle tension
- Increased energy + vitality
- Chronic + acute pain relief
- Stress tolerance + resilience
- Nervous system regulation
- Traumatic experience resolution of known + unknown trauma
Experience Your Difference!

PSYCH-K Pro Facilitator
Free Your Mind
1.5 hour session.
PSYCH-K is a groundbreaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates.
- A powerful process to change subconscious beliefs, situations, traumas that are self-limiting + self-sabotaging. These areas zap energy and more often block the expression of one’s full potential in life.
- It is a resource tool to reduce stress by eliciting a Whole-Brain State. This is a special state of consciousness that activates both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously + thus helps to “clear the signal” to your inner guidance, creating a gateway to higher consciousness.
With psychology and applied kinesiology muscle testing we transform your body's weaknesses to strengths and celebrate!
Women Centered Purpose & Prosperity Coaching
You asked! Here it is...
Coming SOON! SEPTEMBER with the SOAR 2024 TOUR
Beta Launch - 12 Weekly Group Coaching
Love yourself up and step into living an extraordinary life with extraordinary results with a group of extraordinary women.
Be the first to know when we launch as there will be limited spots.

Electro Magnetic
Purchase your personal cellular support mat.
Mother Earths Healing Schumann Resonance.
- IMRS, or Omnium 1 2.0 Travel Mat
- Available for purchase for your personal or professional home, office and travel use.
Personally, I believe every home + office should have one. It is essential to reduce EMF - electro magnetic field ie) microwave, cellular, television, computer + bluetooth is all smog + pollution to your mind + body. Truly a life changer!
Mat Sales Available.

On-Line, On-Demand
6 Month Membership
Our monthly membership supports the BlissBE.METHOD and your process to excavate old thought patterns + identify internal conflicts, limiting beliefs that zap your energy and prevent you from accelerating your potential.
Create new thoughts + boundaries.
- Re-educate your mind to the truth of you + embody you.
- Release old habits + patterns of thinking. You have the ability imprint new thought patterns.
- Create new neural pathways, change DNA + accelerate your personal potential.
- Where your thought goes energy flows, and where you place your attention expands that.
Change your mind, change your life! Take the next 6 months and find out for yourself.

Healing Packages
BlissBE.METHOD PACKAGES is a 1:1 program bringing together highly effective mind + energy, cellular healing modalities over the course of treatments.
We work together to get you to where you want to go. It is an inside job. It take 30 days to create a habit + 90 days to create a lifestyle.
6 x 2hr
9 x 2hr
13 x 2hr (buy 12, get 1 free)
Follow-Up after each treatment.
There is so much more to explore.

Talk Time +
Guidance Calls
Support when you need it. Available on What's App, Skype, or Zoom Call.
A big life event, keynote or treatment. Sometimes you need to talk it through.
- Extend your treatment time, make time for your questions. Ask away.
- You want to have a follow up phone call after your treatment.
- You have a big presentation that you are panicked about or a situation you need some ground around.
- Or a keynote speaking engagement that you have the butterfly's and need a grounding, centering, aligning talk through.
- On the flip side; you have had words with someone you care about and wish to clear the air.
"Where your thoughts go, energy flows".

Debra O'Neill
After a traumatic car accident in my 20’s, I experienced the pain of Fibromyalgia and the complications of pharmaceuticals.
I realized after 3 years there is only so much that talk and physical therapies could do to help me find relief naturally.
I began sourcing ways to help the trauma energy and my nervous system which was cycling in my body in various forms: anxiety, disassociation, indecision, fatigue, collapsed and frozen defence responses.
Over the years my research, education, and learned experiences opened my awareness and healing to blocked childhood trauma. My teachings and embodied healing brought together a unique healing method to understand our body's systems; how our energy systems are affected by trauma, thought, emotion, environment and how it can be calmed, regulated, witnessed and healed.
I have made a few vows in my life, and the most important one was to my Self. I sum it up with this manifesto.
Live Bliss. Teach Bliss. BE Bliss.
Educate. Embody. Empower.
Enrich your life!
I invite you to work with me to co-create your Blissful life!
We are always creating, look around you that's you. What if I handed you a magic wand, close your eyes and what do you really want it to BE. Come and experience your difference at BlissBE.ME.
Let's celebrate YOU!

Highly recommend Debra!
Since working with Debra, I have had many personal & professional positive powerful shifts with amazing manifestations and I have found clarity in all that I do. She is experienced in many treatment modalities all of which have so much value.
Overall, my life is enriched & I live grounded, centred and aligned.
Grateful for You.

I have been looking to get back into meditation for overall personal health purposes and was blessed to see your session yesterday and today.
You have a wonderful spirit and are an inspiration.
Please keep healthy and well, as you have a lot to offer. I felt I had to share with you, how impressive you truly are.

Wow, impeccable!
You really have helped me in so many ways, on so many different levels and facets.
Thank you for being you! Thank you for sharing because you are so caring!
The world definitely became a better place the day you were born and I, and whoever you come across are truly grateful.
All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Blissfully Enriched Life.
Don't make the mistake of pushing YOU to the outside. It's an inside job.
Step 1, book into an Advanced Integrative Energy Healing treatment, it will balance your dynamic energy centres which will support your nervous system and offer you clarity in your decision making in all areas of your life.
Need more info? Book your free 15 minute Strategy Call.
FREE 15 Minute Strategy Call